Patch 0.30e

So, v0.30d didn't work out as being the definitive patch- I wasn't happy with the new fighter AI's poor gun accuracy, and I wound up finding many more issues with v0.27's physics based AI. I still plan on getting some sort of video out on Spearhead, and I wanted to clear away the AI issues before this so they aren't showcased in anything like that.

Compared to initial v0.30, enemy fighters will be far more dangerous and will rightfully kill you quickly if you stay still or fly in a straight line for too long.

Otherwise, I've not been working all that consistently on AWE, so I'll have forgotten a fair few details. Still here are the rest of the recent changes that I remember:

Course 2

  • Fixed some bugs with the shifting world origin, transports spawn in the correct positions now so they are visible in the level (broken since v0.25)
  • Added to asteroid layout
  • Reduced par time


  • Fixed bugs with the upgrade interface


  • Fixed disjointed and miscoloured trail for shots

System changes

  • FOV shifts with linear G-Force, pulling you back into the chair with forward acceleration or jolting you forwards from harsh deceleration


  • Fixed enemy hit log not being enabled by default
  • Fixed speed effects not being present for playable ships other than the Altus

Files 386 MB
Version 15 Mar 08, 2024

Get A.W.E | Advanced Warfare Expedition

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